Knowing the health benefits of green tea (fat loss, antioxidants, cancer fighting, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, lowers risk of diabetes, stroke and heart disease and the list goes on) I make sure that I get in a few cups a day. And since I don’t like the taste (or smell) or plain green tea I buy a brand that I love to drink so I won’t notice that peculiar green tea taste/smell. Tazo’s “Zen” is fantastic. It’s a blend of green tea, spearmint and lemongrass leaves. I find it really easy to drink on it’s own without adding any extra honey or stevia to my mug. It’s perfect if you’re trying to cut out coffee and to help you from overeating. Warm tea always helps to make me feel full and gives me what I need when I’m a little bit stressed from the children 😉
The longer you steep your green tea, the more goodness you’re going to squeeze out of it so first thing in the morning, get the kettle going and make a big pot of tea and leave it on the counter where you’ll see it and reach for it during the day.
Do you drink green tea?