
fitness + nutrition: goal setting series with andi: part 1

Can you believe we’re already one month into 2013?! For everyone stopping by to read this post, more than half of you made some form of ‘Resolution’ this year. On the list of Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions “Weight-Loss” sits at number one, while to be ‘fitter and healthier’ follows just outside the medal-standings, getting an honorable mention in the fourth place spot.

fitness + nutrition: goal setting series with andi: part 1

One thing I find to be really interesting about the popularity of ‘Resolution’ setting is finding out that most well-intentioned ideas about getting into better shape, losing weight and being healthier are not nearly as frequently realized. Less than 10% of resolutions are actually attained throughout the course of the following year. In fact, about 25% of people who implement new habits [i.e. joining a gym] will give up in just the first two weeks, another 10% will have quit after the first month, and by the 6 month mark about 60% of resolutions will have been dropped altogether. I don’t share these numbers to discourage you from setting goals for yourself, but to preface what I hope will be a helpful set of steps to successful goal setting that you can follow, adhere to, and find success in your own health and fitness journey.


Step 1: SET A GOAL!

 The first thing you need to do when deciding to make a positive change in your habits whether it’s related to fitness or weight-loss, living a healthier lifestyle, better organization of time, creating more income, or reducing stress and balancing your life, is to identify and give body to the goal. To see a goal through to a reality requires a crucial and key component – you must first SET A GOAL! I know, I know. It seems a little elementary to declare this as its own step in creating a successful plan, but surprisingly it’s an important step that because of its simplicity is often overlooked.

Knowing you want to make some changes and thinking about it will not actually bring it to fruition and make it happen [unfortunately, because imagine all the amazing things you’d have in your life if having them appear were just that easy!] What often happens is the “thinking about it” phase of action ends up lasting weeks, months, sometimes years without any real acting being taken.

Apply this to yourself for a second. Is there something you’ve been thinking about doing, thinking about changing, thinking about getting a better handle on in your life? Wishing away the extra weight put on over the span of a few years is a popular theme for both men and women. Or maybe for you it’s something like being more connected with your family and friends – even something as simple as taking the time to send a birthday card to a grandparent, but you don’t. Time goes by, life is busy, and before you know it you’ve missed their birthday by 3 months, hardly the time to send best wishes.

If you want to be successful at achieving anything worth having you must take actions and actively manifest your goals into reality. Without spending ample time on this step most people don’t ever truly identify what they really want. Start by writing things down! You might surprise yourself with what you come up with.

FUN FACT: People who concretely identify and declare their goals/resolutions are 10 X more likely to be successful in achieving them than those who do not declare them.

Some of MY current goals include:
– Less than 16% Body Fat
– Feel rested and energized on a daily basis
– Creative Life Balance – spend a minimum of 30mins (2% of my day) doing something I thoroughly enjoy that is NOT work/training related


If you have any fitness and nutrition questions please leave a comment here or drop me a message at  I’d love to hear from you!


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