
Four Considerable Tips to Stay Connected to Your Roots as an Expat

Being away from home can be a more significant challenge than it is often acknowledged. The struggle of being away from your loved ones is only fully understood by someone who has experienced it.

Whether you have come abroad to create a better life for your loved ones back home or to experience a new culture, being away from home can take a toll on your connection with your roots.

Here are some of the best tips to help you stay connected with your roots.

Stay in Touch

Life can get very busy as an expat. Several expats undertake multiple jobs at once to make ends meet and support loved ones back home. While it may seem like a challenge to make time for anything other than working, the importance of staying in touch with your loved ones cannot be undermined.

Even if for a few minutes, make sure that you get in touch with your friends and family members regularly. You can arrange video calls, write to them, share your experiences, and do so much more. Staying in touch with your loved ones can make you feel comforted and connected with your roots, even in the most challenging times.

Celebrate Cultural Events

Another great way to stay in touch with your roots is to ensure that you celebrate every cultural event. Just because you are away from home does not mean these events cannot be celebrated. You can always find a way.

For example, Sinhalese expats often become part of the communities of expats from Sri Lanka. They celebrate all the important events with other people who share the same values as them.

In addition, Sinhalese expats also send money to Sri Lanka for important events to stay connected with their loved ones. This way, they become a part of celebrations back home in the most meaningful way.

Practice Your Language

Learning the language of the new place where you have moved can be an exciting challenge. As you focus on streamlining communication and making new friends at your new destination, do not forget the significance of your native language.

If you do not practice your language, you could forget it. This can be the first step of disconnecting from your roots.

It is always recommended to keep up with your native language by reading books, watching films, or listening to music from your country. This practice can help you stay connected to your culture and keep your language skills sharp.

Plan a Trip

Many expats can agree that traveling back home can be a challenge. Whether they want to save more money or are unable to get a long leave from work, several reasons can hold them back from visiting home and meeting with their loved ones.

While the list of challenges is endless, there is always a way where there is a will. If your finances allow, make an effort to visit your home from time to time.

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