
FPQT Search Term of the Day: Joseph Gordon-Levitt

L-A: I’m guessing the Inception love that’s happening these days is the reason for the recent Joseph Gordon-Levitt googling that’s bringing folks to us. I definitely noticed an increase in searches for Ally’s Pretend Boyfriend Leo happening for a few days. (An aside: Inception was a darn good movie and also stars Ellen Page. You know. Just in case you live in a cave and didn’t hear that already).  I’ve enjoyed Joseph Gordon-Levitt since 10 Things I Hate About You, with full on crush starting with Brick (a frigging fantastic movie), I think we can make him an Official Pretend Boyfriend.

Being awesome in Brick.

Doing an excellent job smeyesing or whatever (I hate the word "smize", but if it's going to exist, let's spell it "smeyes". SMile with your EYES. Get it? Moving on…)

On a chair! In a field! Why not!

We don’t have the blogger power to call up his publicist and demand an interview while he stands on a chair in a field, but Details magazine totally has that power. I bought that issue “for my husband”, but confess that I actually bought it to have a picture of my Pretend Boyfriend to put on the wall of my office.  Or, instead of reading interviews, you can visit his tumblr site or online video project.

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