
Friday Favourites – the Good Friday edition

L-A: We’re late today because I had a killer party last night and because today is a holiday, so there’s been a lot of coffee and forgetting that bacon falls under the “you don’t eat meat on Good Friday rule.” (I try, but every frigging year, I accidentally eat meat on Good Friday). Anyway, here’s what I’m loving this week.

1. Everything about this series of Prada Candy ads

The pastels? The Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola? The 60s French vibe?

Yes. So much yes. Want to watch the other two videos? Sure you do.

Léa Seydoux seems like a French dream come true.

I think the third may be my favourite, but really, it’s hard to choose:

If I start wearing Prada Candy, will my life become a Wes Anderson film? Will there be a fantastic soundtrack and titles in Futura? If so, I’m fully prepared to change perfumes.

2. Dresses I can’t possibly afford.

This dress is absolutely delightful and at $1,125, completely unobtainable.


Anyone know of a version ordinary mortals can afford?

3. Sales! 

There are Easter sales happening in town and I may need to get on board with that and visit J&R Grimsmo and Biscuit (American Apparel had one yesterday). Spring wardrobe needs a refresh. And I need new TOMS for summer…mine have a hole forming in the toe and are now indoor only shoes. And let’s face it, I can always use a new bracelet or a new Erica Weiner piece.

It’s a short list of favourites this week, but I’ve got some chocolate to think about. And more coffee to drink in my PJs while reading YA novels. I’m livin’ the dream y’all.


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