
Friday The Thirteenth

Happy Friday The 13th! 🙂

Did this week seem extra long to you guys? We even had a day off in the middle and it still felt like it took the weekend forever to get here.  That being said my weekends are just as busy as my weekdays. This weekend is looking to be especially jammed pack with moving a couple cords of wood,sorting out a bunch of household stuff to give away, ww meeting, working out, cooking for the week and of course all the regular stuff like laundry and cleaning.

Anyways, enough of that boring stuff.  I’ve had a freaking awesome OP week.  At the moment I feel unstoppable and do I ever love this feeling!! 🙂   I can’t wait for tomorrow morning’s meeting to see what I’ve managed to accomplish this week.

Yesterday we re-activated our Nubodys memberships and got a good sweat in. 40 mins of cardio and 15 mins of strength.  I had no idea how much I missed the strength training, it makes me feel so powerful.  That is one of the best benefits of exercise in my opinion, the way it makes you feel strong; like you can do anything that you set your mind to.   I’m very glad to be back to the gym, even though we have a pretty good home set up, there’s something that is so motivating about being around others sweating their butts off too.  Or maybe it’s the unspoken friendly competition… I was running on the treadmill and the woman next to me upped her speed, so of course, I upped mine. hehe. 

Anywho……wanted to share some of my yummy eats with you. This morning I wasn’t in the mood to cook but I still managed to have a Power House Breaky!. Creamy organic vanilla yogurt topped with one of my fav go-to cereals and a generous serving of POM seeds

I started eating Kashi Go Lean Crunch a few years ago because it’s tasty and packed with tons of nutrients.  This morning I had 1/2 cup for 2 Points.


A few weeks ago when I was browsing the grocery store for my usual Liberte yogurt I saw this new organic line from Astro. It’s thick and creamy and there are no artificial ingredients, that makes me one happy girl! I just can’t go back to the FF/SF crap yogurt so I suck it up and take 3 Points for 1/2 cup.  😉 It’s worth it.

This 6 point bowl of yumminess was packed with 10g of protein! Kept me full for over 4.5 hours. 

It’s been tradition for the past few years to have an omelette for the Supper the night before my WI.  Tonight was no different. :)  The process started out perfectly….cooked up some mixed bell peppers and onions in evoo. Mmm these are my favourite veggies to go in an omelette!
Egg base – 1 egg, 1 egg white, splash of milk, garlic powder & salt.

Top w/ the veggies and some old cheddar, let cook.

Unfortunately, it kinda went down hill from there. :-/ Ended up w/ more of a scrambled mix because the egg was too thin. Still tasty though!


Served with a dry ww english muffin.  A perfect way to end my week.

As I mentioned having an omelette is tradition before my WI.  I may have a cup of coffee but other than that I won’t eat much else until the meeting. Do you guys have any special routines before your WI?

Yup, that’s what I got for y’all ce soir.   I’ll be tweeting my WI results live from the meeting. Hehe, see ya tomorrow for another update!

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