
from brassy to classy! another lamp redo

from brassy to classy! another lamp redo

My husband shakes his head when I bring home another grungy old lamp, but how can I not when repainting a lamp is sooo easy! You’ve all seen these ones right? They’re everywhere…grandma’s house, the goodwill, value village, garage sales..that iconic dusty rose and brass lamp. It’s not the prettiest to start with but she’s got good curves so it’s easy to bring her back to life with some glossy spray paint.

Wiped it down…

added 2 coats of spray paint…

and done!

 I love the glossy white Rustoleum primer + paint in 1  since you don’t have to worry about doing a separate primer coat first. The easier the better 😉

from brassy to classy! another lamp redo

Any other mamas been working on DIY projects over the summer?

Related posts:

  1. before & after: brass lamp redo
  2. before & after | painted fireplace | diy
  3. wordless wednesday: take the paint outside
  4. when paint chips lie. and cause hives.


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