
Frugal Fabulous Gifts for Teachers

Frugal Fabulous Gifts for Teachers

November 29, 2008 © by jgrebedw

It is that time of year again, and as we tackle everything else this year we have to think of the teachers and others who need a small gift. A token of appreciation.

Every teacher including me , has had enough chocolate, enough mugs, enough what can you and your child do together that can be frugal, fab and thoughtful. I have some ideas.

We love giving gifts in a jar. They are easy to make and always appreciated.

Here are some easy to make Gift in a Jar Ideas:

Sand Art Brownies are a great easy to make recipe.  Layered cocoa, brown sugar, chocolate chips and pecans make this Mason jar recipe extra-special. I would just say it is yummy.

Classic Cocoa Mix is a wonderful treat. For me it brings back many a memory.

Apple Pie in a Jar is another classic treat. Think traditional.

Sugar Cookie Mix another traditional Christmas classic.

When you are thinking of gifts for teachers. Think consumable. Remember it is to show appreciation for the job they are doing.

Other ideas:

  • Make cookies or maybe even brownies, place in container that they can keep.
  • buy a simple wood frame and have your child decorate it and write a note in the frame thanking the teacher for the job they are doing
  • a small basket of classroom supplies( many a teacher pay for many items out of pocket)

I am sure you can think of many ideas. Please do share with me, what you are planning on giving to the teachers around you this year.





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