
Fun & Productive Weekend

Afternoon Bloggies – my weekend is going well.  Got up early yesterday for a group run.  It was freezing (-22 w/ windchill) but sunny and I had great conversation so the 10.7K flew by!  

Afterwards I had a few errands to do and then came home to find out our dryer wasn’t tumbling.  Hubby and I spent a bit of time taking the whole thing apart (there are ALOT of screws in the silly thing)  while looking online for solutions.  Turns out it was only a broken belt and I can order it on Monday when the store opens.  Luckily we had a fire roaring in the woodstove so we were able to hang all our laundry to dry.

I did a bit of design work and then decided to loosen up my muscles after that long run.  It was a toss up between what session to use until I remembered that my new Booty Camp DVD had a yoga work out.  The Seaside Serenity Stretch was fantastic,  approx 25 mins with all the basic moves.  I felt wonderful afterwards.  Running and yoga really do go hand in hand. 

I indulged in a glass of wine + bubble bath + book then we watched a movie.  Life is good.

This morning I woke up feeling quite productive so I put a pot of coffee on and settled in for several hours of design work.  And I convinced hubby to come walk with me while I did a really slooooow 5.5K run around Lake Banook this afternoon. 😉 It’s such a beautiful, sunny day.  There were tons of people out skating, skiing and walking the lake too, looked like lots of fun.

I am spending the rest of the day showing some blog love. :)  Can’t wait to catch up with everyone!

PS.  Sorry for the lack of pics, I keep forgetting to pick up batteries for the camera. 

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