HRM Release:
(Thursday, September 2, 2010) B Halifax Regional Municipality would
like to remind residents that there will be no collection of garbage,
organics or recyclables on Monday, September 6. For those who would
have a Monday collection, your new collection date will be this coming
Saturday, September 4.
Additionally, both the HRM Recycling Plant and Otter Lake Facility will
be closed on Monday, September 6th, but will be open on Saturday,
September 4th. The Otter Lake Facility will be open from 7 AM to 7 PM
on Saturday, September 4. The HRM Recycling Plant will be open from
7:30 AM to 6 PM on Saturday, September 4.
HRM’s Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Depot will be closed on
Saturday, September 4th but will be open on September 11th and 18th from
9 AM to 4 PM.