
get back to work

Left my car at the dealers and walked home in the drizzle after being serviced by Jamie Fraser. A pleasant experience. Yes, he is alive and well and working for GM. Who knew?

I should really be getting things ready for my trip and organizing biz things but instead I am sidetracked with the thoughts of making rhubarb syrup. Lots of it flourishing in my garden at the moment. My closets are suddenly calling me to purge and tidy, I want to look online for some walking clubs to join or maybe I should start my own, I have an urge to go through some stacks of old magazines and see if there is anything I want to save….. it is so odd. I have lots of things I SHOULD be doing and HAVE to do but I am suddenly wanting to do all kinds of OTHER things.

Ok, no more dithering, time to get started:)

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