School may seem far away for your 3 or 4 year old, but it isn’t! Schools in your area will be hosting a ‘Get ready for school’ event for children who will be starting school in 2011 and born in 2006.
You and your child will get to visit a series of fun stations that include development, speech, hearing and dental screenings, as well as information on your child’s vision, car seat safety, and fine motor development.
Most families are at the school for about 1 1/2-2 hours. A snack is provided for the children. There will be interpretation, taxi chits, or bus tickets available to those who need them. Call the schools listed below for more information and to register.
This event is hosted by local schools, Chebucto West and Halifax Community Health Boards, and Public Health. Screenings and information are provided by Public Health, the Nova Scotia Association of Optometrists, Child Safety Link, IWK Occupational Therapy, and local community resources.
You will stay with your child the entire time. There will be many times when there are discussions with the parent as well as screening the child.
This is a fun way for you and your child to learn ways that will help your child to be his or her best. This is a free event and every child goes home with a take home bag.
Clinics Schedule for OTC area:
Wednesday, May 26 – For children in district for Rockingstone Heights, Elizabeth Sutherland School, Chebucto Heights, Central Spryfield, your location is Rockingstone Heights School. Call 479-4452 for more information.
Thursday, June 3 – For children in district for William King Elementary, Sambro-Ketch Harbour School, and Harrietsfield Elementary, your location is William King Elementary School. Call 479-4200 for more information.