
Get Ready to Assemble : IKEA 2017


IKEA Canada President, Stefan Sjöstrand was in Halifax this morning to announce the opening of a FULL SIZED store in Dartmouth Crossing in the Fall of 2017.

The store will be roughly 328 000 square feet and employ 350 people when full operational. The current largest single retail store in HRM is the nearby Walmart at 95 000 sq.ft. HRM has committed to adjusting the bus routes so a bus will go right to the door.

The stores exact location is on the north side of Wright Ave across from the theatres, where the loop under is. The ridge in the background will be removed and the property will be shared with Cabela’s. IKEA says it will be their most sustainable store in Canada including drawing heat geothermally.

So in short


yes they were tasty
parting gifts

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