
Getting our Art on

AllyG: So we totally art showed it up on Friday evening. There was a great turn out, and even better fashion. L-A and I managed to snag some pics of the most Fashionable People at the event. Let’s take a look at the photos, shall we? L-A and I will provide commentary below each photo. Cause we’re awesome. Oh yah, Happy Monday.

That is one of my favourite songs ever. Although, I’m sure this does not surprise you after getting more than a hint of my taste in music.

Let’s get this going.


AllyG: We should totally show the paintings first, as this was an art show after all. Um, I also owe Daniel Hutchinson an apology as I totally only took photos of my brother’s work. That’s some crappy blog prep right there. Although, it does show what an awesome sister I am, non? Oui! Here’s Daniel’s website, you should absolutely check his stuff out. Mostly so I don’t feel like a complete arsehole.

Here is a pic of the two artists.

Jamie is on the left in blue, Daniel in white. Both well dressed. Daniel rolls his sleeves perfectly. Don’t lie, that’s a perfect roll right there.

L-A: oops on the photos of the art (but you are a very good sister). But both artists were a hit. And not just because they were well dressed. Their paintings were seriously awesome. (can you tell we did not go to art school? The best we can do is say things like “awesome” to describe paintings we like).

Now on to the fashion!

AllyG: This girl was just adorable. Not sure if I would rock the tights in summer look (although, when you are my current size you look to avoid the “sausage leg” phenomenon). I think she teased her hair a bit, which I’m all over. Great dress, fabulous cardigan. Marvelous. Well played.

L-A: Indeed! It was a great outfit. I loved the shoes. They really tied the outfit together. A few people braved wearing tights in the humidity. I’m a fan of tights, but I also wilt easily in humid weather.  (Also, note the paintings behind her: those are the work of Daniel Hutchinson!)

AllyG: Well, well, what do we have hear? No, it’s not Brangelina, they are a cheap comparison to the gorgeousity above. That is L-A and her handsome, hunky, husband. We went to pick up L-A and hubby and I literally golf clapped as she approached the car. I’ll let her tell you about her outfit. It was superb. Truly.

L-A: Golf claps? really? Awww.  The hair was totally working against me that night, which is why I’m sporting a sort of severe looking ponytail. I’m still fighting my new oily hair problem (overshare?).  Fashion Magazine has a video with some great tips on how to do second day hair. Or in my case, right after you wash your hair (it is depressing to have to deal with this new hair problem of mine). Anyway, that was my attempt to dress up in humid weather. I know I was all over the little black dress in our recent post, but it was way too warm for that (at least for the black dresses I own. This is Halifax people. We don’t get that much summer so most of my dresses are more suited for colder temperatures).  The husband was using the jacket, which I believe is a black seersucker, to dress up the jeans and t-shirt, a look I approve of.

AllyG: These girls were pretty adorable. They seemed all shy when we approached them for a photo, particularly missy in the middle, but they totally hammed it up once the camera was upon them. I loved the combat boots/mini skirt combo on the right.

L-A: We need to work on introducing ourselves to strangers. We need cards or something. If we had been a bit braver, there were even more outfits we could have gotten snaps of.  Anyway, these girls were adorable. Love the use of leggings with the skirt. The mini skirt with the insane platform boots (insane in a good way) sort of reminds me of the skirts we talked about in our talk on tutus. This is like a bad ass way to wear a really frilly, feminine skirt.

AllyG: The gentleman above is in fact, my father. He’s quite a cute little lamb in his own right. He showed up at the event wearing what I refered to as a “Great Gatsby” inspired suit and what my Uncle refered to as the perfect outfit for the Colonel Sanders Impersonation Convention. Hmmm….

Either way, Dad looked smashing. Did you know he lost 60 plus pounds? True story. Weight Watchers, folks. It works. Well played, Pete. I need to mention that Dad is quite excited to be on the fashion blog.

L-A: Love the linen suit. I recommend every dude gets a linen suit.  Even if your friends and family make Colonel Sanders or Tom Wolfe jokes.  You know it’s only because they’re jealous that you have a linen suit and look awesome.

AllyG: If it has not yet become clear that I am a hideous picture taker than you must be my mother without her glasses on. While this is a terribly lit photo of L-A and J-Lau (one of our lovely readers who we mention frequently!), you can still appreciate the beauty. I would say that J-Lau gives Jenny Aniston a run for her money on the white shirt/jeans competition.

L-A: Jen was quite hesitant about being photographed for the blog. But she shouldn’t feel too bad. Because I have to be up twice and I hate hate hate having my photo taken.  But even if Ally’s snaps can’t rival those of the Sartorialist, I think it’s clear that Jen looked great. Only because I hang out with her a lot, I know that her jeans were an awesome pair of sailor style jeans. I also know for a fact that she got an insane deal on that Banana Republic bag. Like, if she wasn’t so nice, you’d hate her for getting such a sale.

AllyG: Jane and Nina! Jane has recently returned to Halifax from Toronto. Clearly she’s classing up the joint. Look at that outfit! You know how I love leggings (unless they are made by Lilo), and Jane does this up right by pairing them with a black skirt, simple ballet flats with a bright top. Purple is so hot right now. Nina needs to wear green everyday. It’s for sure her colour. Now this is how you work an art show. Nicely done, ladies.

L-A: Another great use of leggings! Kudos art gallery goers for using leggings in a flattering way. We’ve all seen how good leggings can go bad, but this was not the case at the Khyber on Friday.

AllyG: Here is a photo of El Jeffe. I believe he is showing his support for Greenpeace in this photo, posing with one of the local whales. The whale avoided being harpooned by hiding out in the snack area where there was a fantastic selection of cookies. He’s a lovely bloke with a big heart. Great shirt on E.J., eh? Frenchy’s find. No lie.

L-A: Ally is totally being modest. She is positively glowing! Like, cargo ship of life glowing. Both Ally and El J looked hot.

AllyG: And to wrap it up, here’s El Jeffe with Jamie, the artiste. It was a great show, you should seriously make it down to the Khyber to check out the fantastic exhibit. You missed the wine, but I’m sure no one will say anything if you bring your own in a brown bag. Maybe colour your brown bag to show that you’re “in” with the art crowd and give a little nod and wink if someone questions your beverage. Not that I’ve done that before. Ever.

L-A: The husband is from Wine Country in Ontario and the wine festival (that kicks the ass of the various fruit festivals in towns that I’ve lived in) used to be all about brown bagging your wine. True story. My kind of festival. Besides, even if you aren’t at such a festival, you can claim you’re doing a high/low classy thing or being some kind of ironic and be on your way. Unless maybe it’s a police officer who is doing the asking. Then I’ve got nothing for you. Hand the bottle over and apologize? Run? Tell them you like their outfit?

Anyways, great show. Terrific paintings from crazy talented artists. If you’re in town, you should get to the Khyber to check it out.

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