
Gone Veggie: Day 1

Honestly, it was fairly easy. 
Lunch was a couple whole of small wheat tortillas filled with a mixture of black beans, rice, salsa.  Plus cream cheese & sharp cheddar.  All heated up. 

They were really tasty.  Even hubby thought so.  Oh and speaking of hubby, I forgot to mention that he’s agreed to do the veggie challenge with me – no arm twisting or anything!!!  He’s really come a long way over the past year, so proud of him.

That is white rice there.  I know, bad.  But I had to go with organic and they were out of organic brown so…. ;)  

In exciting news, we spent the morning at Kent picking out new flooring and paint.  Lots and lots of paint.  See that huge 19L grey container in the left hand corner? It’s primer. Why do we need so much?

Because we’re taking this dark, depressing mess…

And making it livable!  A really light creamy color “Birchwood” 6192-21. Seems darker in the picture.  I can’t wait to see what a difference a paint job does for the entire look of the house!! Yes, totally removing the wall paper border too. :-X  The whole house screams tacky at the moment so we do very little entertaining because I’m embarrassed.  I know that is kind of shallow to admit, but it’s true.  

Plus I got an awesome light terracotta color for the bathroom! :)  Stayed tuned for lots of renos over the next several weeks. 

For Supper we tried out something new – PC Blue Menu 9 Vegetable Patties.  These are found in the “burger” freezer section. 6 Patties for $6.99 (+/-)

Nutritionally they’re pretty decent.  Although I would’ve liked to seen a bit more protein and less sodium.  Over all not bad though.  They crisped up nicely in the frying pan. Hubby was unsure at first because there were peas involved but they were pretty tasty!

Served on a ww bun and topped with melted cheddar, diced onions, spinach, ketchup and mustard.  Yum!

Side salad – spinach, mixed field greens, match stick carrots, strawberries & sliced almonds drizzed with the most amazing balsamic vinegar on the planet! 😉

Along with some baked sweet potato chips.


With a Blueberry POMosa. <—hubby thought of that one. 😉 Sparkling wine + Blueberry POM juice.

So I made it through my first day of the Veggie Challenge.  The food was all tasty, healthy and fairly easy to prepareI made a batch of hummus that is so good, can’t wait to try it with crackers/carrots – stay tuned! ;)  I think the next 20 days are going to be so fun experimenting with new meals and recipes.

Bet you’re wondering how I did with the “30 Minutes of Me” part aren’t ya? Well I rocked that too!  I had a nap, watched the first episode of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution (more thoughts on this later!) and did my nails

I know this is the weekend so it was pretty easy to fit this in, but I tell ya, the nap was awesome!!! :)  The only thing I didn’t do was get some exercise but I’m okay with that.  I’m trying to decide if I want to run 14K alone tomorrow or just get in a major (1.5-2 hour) gym session with the hubby.

I’m off to catch up on your blogs, have a great night!!!

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