Government Funds Municipal Infrastructure Improvements

NOTE: A list of municipal projects receiving funding follows this release.Municipal Affairs Minister Mark Furey announced funding to support 10 high-priority municipal infrastructure projects across the province today, July 25.The government is investing nearly $800,000 under the Provincial Capital Assistance Program to help reduce the financial burden of these projects on municipalities.

NOTE: A list of municipal projects receiving funding follows this release.
Municipal Affairs Minister Mark Furey announced funding to support 10 high-priority municipal infrastructure projects across the province today, July 25.

The government is investing nearly $800,000 under the Provincial Capital Assistance Program to help reduce the financial burden of these projects on municipalities.

“Water supply, sewage disposal and solid waste projects can place significant cost burdens on municipal governments and their residents,” said Mr. Furey. “This funding can help ease that burden, meaning needed capital improvements can be completed sooner.”

Funding under the program is limited and ranked according to specific criteria. Projects that eliminate serious environmental health problems get priority.

“The $122,000 we are receiving this year will prevent spills of untreated effluent into the Lahave River,” said Don Downe, Mayor of the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg. “This was identified in our Municipal Climate Change Action Plan as a risk and is a priority for us.”

Another $2.6 million is being invested this year in three other major infrastructure projects. Funding had been committed to Halifax for the Halifax Harbour cleanup, Municipality of the District of Guysborough for Canso infrastructure and Cape Breton Regional Municipality wastewater strategy.

Source: Release

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