
Government will Continue to Focus on Nova Scotians’ Priorities During Spring Sitting

The government will focus on fulfilling its commitments to the people of Nova Scotia during the spring sitting of the legislature. The first session of the 62nd general assembly resumed today, March 27.

Key priorities will include making power rates more fair by eliminating the efficiency tax from Nova Scotians’ power bills, modernizing the apprenticeship program to enhance the skilled workforce and bringing accountability and transparency to economic development to ensure the private sector is leading the way in creating jobs in Nova Scotia.

“We promised that Nova Scotians’ concerns would come first, and that means respecting their hard-earned dollars, looking after those in our society who are vulnerable, and shifting direction so businesses can grow and prosper in our province,” said Premier Stephen McNeil.

During the spring sitting government will inject money into education; take steps to reduce red tape, eliminating unnecessary regulations and economic hurdles; lay the groundwork for streamlining the health-care system; and introduce a strategy for sexual assault victims.

Finance Minister Diana Whalen will introduce the government’s first budget Thursday, April 3.

“It’s no secret we are facing a tough economic reality in this province and the budget will reflect those challenges, but it will protect the priorities of Nova Scotians,” said Premier McNeil.

The government’s legislative agenda for the spring sitting is listed below. Please note it is subject to change:
— Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act (amended)
and Community Colleges Act (amended)
— Canada-NS Offshore Petroleum Accord Implementation (NS) Act (amended)
— Cemetery and Funeral Services Act (amended)
and Embalmers and Funeral Directors Act (amended)
— Dental Act (amended)
— Direct Sellers’ Regulation Act (amended)
— Electricity Efficiency and Conservation Restructuring (2014) Act
— Efficiency Nova Scotia Corporation Act (amended)
— Fair Registration Practices Act (amended)
— Financial Measures (2014) Act
— Forestry Agreement Statutes Repeal (2014) Act
— Liquor Control Act (amended)
— Maintenance and Custody Act (amended)
— Motor Vehicle Act (amended)
— Municipal Government Act (amended)
— Notaries and Commissioners Act (amended)
— Oil Refineries and LNG Plants Municipal Taxation Act (amended)
— Property Valuation Services Corporation Act (amended)
— Public Highways Act (amended)
— Public Trustee Act (amended)
— Securities Act (amended)

Source: Release

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