
Graham v. Shear Logic Hairstyling Decision

A decision by an independent human rights board of inquiry has found that a former employee of Shear Logic Hairstyling experienced sexual harassment and was discriminated against.

In his decision, board chair Kenneth Crawford, described evidence presented during the inquiry into the case of Stephanie Graham v. Shear Logic Hairstyling and/or Shawn Cormier.

Mr. Crawford found that Mr. Cormier had discriminated against Ms. Graham on account of her sex, sexual orientation, and sexually harassed her during her employment at Shear Logic.

Mr. Cormier has been ordered to pay Ms. Graham $11,400.00 in general damages plus interest dating back to the time of the incidents, for harms to her dignity, self-respect and for the psychological and emotional harm he inflicted.

The full decision can be found online at .

Source: Release

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