
Grey’s Anatomy – Flashbacks

So, what did everyone think of Grey’s Anatomy last night? I have pretty conflicted feelings.

On the one hand, I thought it was a good episode. Even though the jumping around in time confused me a bit, I thought the episode was written well and hit that familiar, sad Grey’s Anatomy sweet spot.

But that’s the problem: familiarity. Having Cristina point out how crazy it is that bad things keep happening to them doesn’t make it any less ridiculous. The characters on this show have experienced too much trauma.

Cristina has PTSD? Well, that’s happened before. Callie’s watching Arizona fight for her life? That’s a role reversal – remember the time Callie almost died in a car accident? And oh yeah, there was the time there was a shooter in the hospital as well. Grey’s does these traumas so well, and they have a tendency to reinvigorate the series. But now it just feels like the show is relying on them. We’ll have a season of watching everyone pick up the pieces – Derek will struggle with his hand, Arizona will find a way to be an amputee and a doctor, Cristina will bail on MAYO and come back to Seattle, etc. And then what? Will the hospital get bombed? A tsunami? What is left?

Grey’s Anatomy is a nighttime soap, and with that comes some about of suspension of disbelief. But it’s getting to be a bit too much to believe. I feel like Grey’s has produced a captivating set of episodes at the expense of the series as a whole. Do you guys agree?


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