Halifax Airport wins national award

Premier Darrell Dexter extended congratulations today, Nov. 4, to Halifax Stanfield International Airport on being named Corporate Partner of the Year at the 2010 National Awards for Tourism Excellence.

Premier Darrell Dexter extended congratulations today, Nov. 4, to Halifax Stanfield International Airport on being named Corporate Partner of the Year at the 2010 National Awards for Tourism Excellence.

The awards, presented by the Tourism Industry Association of Canada on Tuesday, Nov. 2, in Gatineau, Que., recognize people, places, organizations and events that offer a superior tourism experience to travellers in Canada.

"Nova Scotians know that Halifax Stanfield International Airport helps create good jobs by providing exceptional service to visitors and a vital transportation link for business," said Premier Dexter.

"We are proud to see our airport recognized for providing outstanding experiences that continue to attract travellers from around the world to our province."

The airport, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in September, was recently named the world's best airport for overall passenger satisfaction in its class for the seventh straight year by Airports Council International.

"The continued success of our tourism industry depends on the access provided by Halifax Stanfield International Airport," said Minister of Tourism, Culture and Heritage Percy Paris. "In providing excellent service to travellers, it helps Nova Scotia compete effectively for visitors from all over the world."

"Tourism is a vital component of a vibrant Nova Scotian economy, and on behalf of all of us at the Halifax Stanfield International Airport, we are honoured to have been selected for this national award from the Tourism Industry Association of Canada TIAC," said Tom Ruth, president and CEO of Halifax International Airport Authority.

"It validates our long-term vision of great people delivering the best airport experience in the world."


Source: Provincial Release


A record nine Nova Scotia finalists were nominated for this year's awards.

The National Awards for Tourism Excellence were presented as part of The Tourism Summit, the association's annual national policy conference.

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