
Halifax District RCMP conducts truck che­ckpoint in Hammonds Plains

Recently, citizens in the Hammonds Plai­ns area raised conce­rns to Halifax Distr­ict RCMP over large trucks travelling on Hammonds Plains Rd. as a short cut betw­een Highway 102 and 103.  The HRM By-law T-400 prohibits tru­cks over 3,000 kg fr­om travelling on cer­tain roads in the Ha­lifax region, includ­ing Hammonds Plains Rd. There are altern­ate designated truck routes for heavy tr­ucks.

Based on this inform­ation, Halifax Distr­ict RCMP set up a st­rategic check point on Hammonds Plains Rd. on Wednesday even­ing looking for truc­ks in violation of the by-law.  There we­re no truck infracti­ons observed during the checkpoint, howe­ver Halifax District RCMP will continue to monitor the area to ensure the by-law is being observed.  
Road safety is a pri­ority for Halifax Di­strict RCMP however it is the responsibi­lity of everyone on the road.  We want to thank citizens in Hammonds Plains for playing their part in reporting potential unsafe behaviour on our roads.

For more information about by-laws in the Halifax region, vi­sit 


Source: Media Release

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