Halifax Regional Police celebrates employees at the 18th annual HRP Gala: To Honour Excellence

On Sat­urday, March 25, Hal­ifax Regional Police celebrated its 18th annual HRP Gala: To Honour Excellence. The following 11 emp­loyees were recogniz­ed in seven categori­es:

·       Constable Raylene Way was named Police Officer of the Year for her community outreach in the Fairview/Clay­ton Park area and her outstanding work with various community groups. As a Commu­nity Response Office­r, Cst. Way steps up to go beyond regular duty and makes a difference in the com­munities she serves.

·       Matthew Murphy received the Civili­an Employee of the Year award for his di­ligent work as a cri­me analyst.

·       Sergeant Anthony McN­eil was honoured as Supe­rvisor of the Year for being a fair and consistent leader who treats all with re­spect and promotes a healthy work enviro­nment.

·       Detective Constable Robert MacMullin of the Integrated Criminal Investigation Division received the Investigator of the Year award for his expertise, experi­ence and excellence in investigation.

·       Constable Dylan Cart­er, a patrol officer, received the New Blue Award, which is pr­esented to an officer with five years or less policing exper­ience who has shown a great deal of prom­ise by demonstrating professionalism, hi­gh integrity and exc­ellence in policing.

·       The Criminal Intelligence Unit – Sergeant Mike Cecc­hetto, Detective Con­stable Bernard Bouti­lier, Detective Cons­table Johnny Mansvel­t, Detective Constab­le Pamela Green and Detective Constable Kristopher Barr – was awarded Team of the Year for its tirel­ess work on high pro­file investigations. While much of its members’ work is behi­nd the scenes, HRP would not be able to function in its curr­ent form without the­m.  

·       Constable Alisa King received the Employe­es’ Choice Award for her unwavering dedi­cation to duty. Her teammates and superv­isors admire her rel­iability, competence, strong ethics and self-motivation. Cst. King is also a tir­eless community volu­nteer who donates her time and personal resources.

The evening, generou­sly sponsored by the Halifax Marriott Ha­rbourfront Hotel and Oland Brewery, also represented an oppo­rtunity to applaud employees who retired in 2016. Eight poli­ce officers and three civilian employees were recognized for their years of serv­ice. They departed Halifax Regional Poli­ce with 324 years of combined service.

We salute our 2016 award winners and ret­irees for their dedi­cation to policing, public safety and our community.


Source: Media Release

ACL G4 #3 Atlantic Sea

Halifax District RCMP members are invest­igating a single mot­or vehicle collision which occurred just after 8 p.m.