I’m a huge race nerd. Running can suck, but races totally make it worthwhile.
I know how hard it is to run your first race. You feel like you need to be “a runner” (whatever that means.
You look at me and see “a runner” because I made it through a half marathon at Disney. I look at myself and see someone who probably couldn’t even make it 2km right now without a walk break. And considering I haven’t even tried running since January, I don’t feel like I can call myself a runner right now). You don’t realize (yet) that running in a race isn’t about coming in first (or last) but about crossing a finish line (whatever your time). It is about coming out of your comfort zone to accomplish something. It is about being with other runners (or non-runners) just like yourself and realizing that not every person who puts on running shoes is lean and fast. Not everyone who signs up for a race actually runs the whole thing (or any of it). It is about feeling proud about what you can do – no matter how fast you did it or how you looked during it.
You see, the thing is, races aren’t only for elite runners and most people don’t realize that. Most people don’t realize that THEY CAN DO IT, and so they don’t. Therefore, when you do a race, and when you cross the finish line, you’ve done something that so many other people haven’t… even if you came in dead last.
I love that about races.
One of my favourite races that I ran last year was the Sole Sisters Women’s 5K race. It is a race catered to women, with purple race shirts and sparkly medals and a chocolate station and firefighters waiting at the finish line to place a medal around your neck. More importantly, it is incredible being in the midst of all those women during the race. So many women choose the Sole Sister’s Race to be their first ever race. While running that race, I felt as if I was in a sisterhood.
The race sold out before I was ready to sign up this year. And so yes, while I am telling you all about this incredible race, I also have to tell you that it is sold out. I was sad about it. I know you are too.
Except, my friends at Team in Training told me that they had some open spots for that race. For the first time, Team in Training Halifax has a training group specifically for Moms (or non-Moms too!) to train for the Sole Sisters 5K. Friends, 5K is a manageable distance – ESPECIALLY when you are equipped with the training support you need to reach it. And the donation requirement, supporting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada is low too.
Team in Training only has a handful of spots left for this awesome, sold out race. And by “handful” I mean that I can literally count the amount of spots left on two hands, but more likely one by the time this post is published.
I want to encourage you to start running. I want to encourage you to try out a safe, comfortable, fun race. I want to encourage you to raise money for a good cause. We can do it together.
You can sign up for the last remaining Team in Training spots for the Sole Sisters 5K Race by clicking on this link. If you need more info, drop me a line and I’ll get you in touch with the right people. And, of course, I can’t sign off without asking you to support my fundraising efforts for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada.
The post Halifax: Run the Sold Out Sole Sisters Race! appeared first on Mommy Miracles.