
Halifax Transit Services Cancelled for the Rest of the Day

Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015 (Halifax, NS) Due to the continuing poor weather and road conditions, the Halifax Regional Municipality has decided to cancel Halifax Transit bus and ferry services for the rest of the day.

The municipality and Halifax Transit apologize for any inconvenience this service disruption may cause; however the safety of passengers and staff has to be our top priority. The decision to cancel is based on the latest conditions and the predicted deterioration of the roads over the next 12 hours.

At this point, most businesses, retail and recreation centres have made the decision to close for the day and residents are being asked to stay off the roads if they don’t need to be out. Keeping the buses off the roads will also help municipal and contracted crews properly clear the streets of snow and ice, including catch basins to help prevent flooding.

The latest weather reports indicate the snow has changed to a mix of wet snow and rain in most areas. Plowing will continue but motorists should be aware that plowed surfaces will be icy and driving conditions will continue to deteriorate rapidly over the next 6 to 8 hours. Clearing of priority catch basins is underway in order to prevent flooding and heavy equipment is pushing snow to the curb ahead of an expected rapid re-freeze later this afternoon. Sidewalk clearing is also underway and will continue overnight.

Halifax Transit bus and ferry service will resume on a holiday schedule Monday morning, as it is Nova Scotia Heritage Day. Please note that some bus and ferry services do not operate on holidays. Visit for more details on holiday schedules, which are listed at the bottom of each individual route schedule.

For storm updates and more information on snow clearing, please visit

Source: Release

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