Halifax Water and the Halifax Regional Municipality to provide a temporary solution to address constraints in the private septic disposal system
Site adjacent to Aerotech Wastewater Treatment Plant will open on Monday, June 24
Halifax – June 21, 2024 – Halifax Water, in collaboration with the Halifax Regional Municipality, has developed a short-term solution to address concerns regarding capacity constraints in the wastewater treatment system for private septic systems. Starting Monday, June 24, 2024, private septage haulers will be able to dispose of septage loads at a secured, monitored site compliant with regulatory requirements.
This site, adjacent to the Aerotech Wastewater Treatment Plant, will be available for up to three weeks to help manage the impacts of an unanticipated mechanical failure at a privately owned facility.
This is in response to the concerns raised about capacity constraints within private and public systems and is the result of discussions between Halifax Water, the Halifax Regional Municipality and Nova Scotia Environment and Climate Change (NSECC) on ways to help alleviate some of this pressure.
“Private septic systems are the responsibility of property owners and are regulated, with specific guidelines by NSECC. However, both the municipality and Halifax Water understand how essential septic tank pumping services are for residential and commercial properties to safeguard health, safety and the environment,” says Kenda MacKenzie, Acting General Manager of Halifax Water.
Halifax Water will prepare the site over the next few days and open for septage haulers on Monday, June 24.
Site Location Directly across from 449 Aerotech Drive
Hours of Operations Weekdays (excluding holidays) 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
As part of this process, septage haulers must sign an agreement with Halifax Water stating that each operator will accept and meet several conditions and requirements before the utility will accept any septage material for disposal. Starting on Monday, June 24, private haulers can call Halifax Water Customer Care or visit here<halifaxwater.ca/qa-temporary-solution-private-septic-disposal>.