
Health Insurance for Retirees: Navigating the Challenges and Maximizing Your Benefits

For many seniors living in Canada, the prospect of health insurance can trigger some anxiety. As people age, they tend to require a wide variety of different healthcare services— of which only a small portion is covered by the Canadian free healthcare plan. 

In fact, for Baby Boomers, there’s a lot of essential healthcare and medicare support that’s left out of these governmental packages, which can make the prospect of aging stressful. This is why it’s important for retirees to know how to navigate the healthcare system and to ensure they have sufficient insurance in place to cover all their needs.  

What Does Canada’s Healthcare System Cover For Retirees? 

Before we look into alternative healthcare plans for people in this age demographic, let’s gain some clarity about what Canada’s healthcare system provides coverage for. 

  • Emergency room treatment 
  • Hospital food and accommodation
  • Doctor’s visits 
  • Hospital stays 
  • In-hospital dental surgery
  • Prescription drugs during hospital stays

While this list may seem relatively comprehensive, it leaves out a number of essential medical services, access to drugs, and even technology that retirees may need to lead fully healthy, comfortable lives. For example, none of the items on this list is included: 

  • General prescription drugs 
  • Dental surgery 
  • Medical equipment (glasses, dentures, mobility devices, etc.)
  • Physiotherapy 

Considering how many retirees end up relying on these kinds of goods and services, what the Canadian free healthcare plan offers is surprisingly limited. Retirees with a need for healthcare services that pertain to the latter list are most likely to experience challenges with this plan.

In addition to a limited variety of healthcare services, another challenge Canadian retirees experience is the high cost of prescription drugs. It’s estimated that 1 in 10 Canadians cannot afford prescription drugs, and therefore cannot medicate themselves as needed. Additionally, some retirees end up spending thousands of dollars per year on essential medication, even with access to a healthcare plan. 

However, there are other options to explore. From pricey but effective private healthcare to affordable HSAs, there is more than one health insurance path to look into. 

How To Maximize The Benefits Of Your Retiree Healthcare Plan In Canada 

While you might not find everything you need from health insurance through the government healthcare system, you can still find it in other places. This list of options aims to encompass a broader net of choices when it comes to selecting health insurance. 

  1. Opt for private health insurance

As expensive as it might be, private health insurance is one of the best routes to go when looking for a secure, stress-free retirement. 

The average cost of health insurance for a retiree in Canada is between $100-$400 per month. If this kind of price is within your healthcare budget, it can make a considerable difference to your health and well-being over the course of retirement.

  1. Utilize your employee retirement plan

Many Canadian and US companies offer retiree-specific health insurance plans. Finding out more about yours can help you make a more informed healthcare decision. 

What’s more, some companies have packages that may be extendable to spouses. Naturally, this option will depend on the insurance and retirement packages that you and your partner’s companies offer, but it is nonetheless a good option.

  1. Take advantage of a health savings account (HSA)

A health spending account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged savings account. Similar to employee health insurance, HSAs are sponsored by employers so that employees can gain access to the treatment they need as it arises. In some cases, this may extend to retired employees, too.

  1. Understand your needs before choosing health insurance 

One of the most effective ways to maximize the benefits of your future health insurance situation is to develop a better understanding of your state of health. Go for checkups, ask questions, do your research and find out everything you can about the state of your health and your history of family illness.

In doing this, you can make the most informed decision possible about your future retirement healthcare plan. You can also ensure that when you file your taxes, you can claim the maximum refund based on your health insurance requirements.


Finding a Canadian health insurance plan that works for you can come with challenges. The free healthcare system is somewhat limited in its capacity for supportive services such as dental and prescription drugs. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to work around it. 

By choosing a private health insurance package, maximizing the benefits of an HSA, utilizing employer-sponsored health insurance, or even sharing a spouse’s plan, any retiree in Canada can receive the care they need well into their golden years. 

Meta Title: Guide To Healthcare Insurance For Retirees | Haligonia CA

Meta Description: AlthoughCanada’s healthcare system offers some support, it’s not comprehensive. Find out everything you need to know about health insurance for retirees. 

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