Health Workers In HRM Vote To Strike

Release: Halifax – 1,944 members of Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union (NSGEU) Local 42, Health Care Bargaining Unit at the Capital District Health Authority, have voted in favour of strike action to back their demands at the bargaining table.

Halifax – 1,944 members of Nova Scotia Government and General Employees
Union (NSGEU) Local 42, Health Care Bargaining Unit at the Capital District
Health Authority, have voted in favour of strike action to back their demands at
the bargaining table.

“Local 42 is in conciliation all this week and it is our intention to try to reach a
collective agreement that the membership will accept and avoid job action,” says
NSGEU President Joan Jessome. “It is obvious the membership of Local 42 is
looking for more than what has been offered at the bargaining table which is 1%
in each of a two-year agreement and nothing else.”

The union received 2,341 ballots. 85% of these, or 1,944 ballots, were in favour
of strike action to support their bargaining committee.

“Our members have spoken loud and clear that the employer’s offer is simply not
good enough,” says Jessome.

Members of Local 42 provide quality health care to Nova Scotians in the Capital
Health District everyday. NSGEU Local 42 includes more than 170 classifications
including Medical Laboratory Technologists, Licensed Practical Nurses, Social
Workers, Respiratory Therapists, Clinical Dietitians, Paramedics, Pharmacists,
Recreation Therapists, Ward Aids, Patient Attendants, Operating Room
Technicians, Sterile Processing Technicians and Diagnostic Imaging
classifications which include MRI Technologists, Nuclear Medicine Technologists
and more.

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