This week we’ve heard from some lovely locals with their tips on how to have fun this season without putting on the extra pounds or being overwhelmed by stress. Hopefully, this advice will help us all a little so we can save our New Year’s resolutions for bigger and better things than the bit of fluff we put on in the run of a month. Moreover, this knowledge is something we can probably all stand to take away from throughout the course of the year.
What are some of your tips for staying fit and healthy, particularly during a season filled with so much expectation and temptations?
If you missed any of the posts this week, you can check them out here:
Smart Bites: A little gal’s guide to staying that way over the holidays by Kristen Pickett
Stay fit for the holidays: body, mind, spirit by Helen Fong
Embracing Balance: healthy holiday tips by Jaime (aka @balanceblog)
Festivus for the rest of us…and a healthy holidays! by Scott Thomson