
Hello, Goodbye My New/Old Job

Hello, Goodbye

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter you’ll have probably already heard the big news: I gave my letter of notice to the CBC. For many of you this will come as a significant surprise since I’ve always considered this gig to be my dream job. Books, blogging, social media, and online community? I’ve been in literary heaven. You may even remember me lamenting the loss of my dream job in the summer of 2009 (as the result of budget cutbacks).

Well, the time has come to move on to another opportunity where I’ll learn new things and grow my career. At the end of the month you’ll be looking at the digital and online coordinator for Nimbus Publishing. It’s got everything I want in a job plus the added bonuses of learning about ePublishing AND working with an East Coast company to showcase East Coast talent. A big win in my books.

I don’t see this as closing a door though. The CBC provided me with almost five years of great experiences working with talented people, many of whom I consider very close friends (even though they all work far, far away in Toronto). If the chance came up to work there again at some future crossroads, I’d certainly consider it. But for now I’m opening up another door and seeing what’s on the other side. I hope you’ll join me there.

You can follow Nimbus Publishing on Facebook or on Twitter @NimbusPub.

Kimberly Walsh is a social media and online community manager. You can follow her on Twitter @AliasGrace.

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