When I got in this evening, the first thing I went for was a smoothie.
A simple combo of 1/2 cup UVAB, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup frozen raspberries & 2 cups baby spinach.
Why did I want a smoothie so bad? Cuz I needed to recover from my workout! 🙂
For months I’ve been complaining to the hubby that we live too far away from GoodLife for me to make use of my membership. I live and work in the same community and rarely go into the city, which is about a 30 min drive, on week days. I pretty much used the travel as an excuse not to go to the gym. We do have a local community fitness centre that is only about a 10 minute drive away, it doesn’t have the bells & whistles that GoodLife has but it certainly has more than enough equipment for an adequate work out. Plus, the membership cost is significantly lower. So I signed up today. My plan is go most days after work and get home at the same time as hubby.
I’m proud that I stopped complaining that I was too far away from the gym and just did something about it. Had a great work out today – 20 mins on treadmill with running/walking intervals, 10 mins on the elliptical and 10 mins of strength training.
After just one workout, I felt SOOO much better. Happier. Stronger. 🙂 This combined with tracking my food should have me back on the right track once and for all!
For Supper, I was craving eggs.
Simple omelette – 2 eggs, splash blend cream (we’re outta milk), sprinkle fresh pepper, 1 tbsp bacon bits & 1/3c shredded cheese.
Roasted potato wedges. They were cooked to go with hubby’s T-Bone but looked too good to pass up. 😉
Cherry tomatoes. I’m almost out. 🙁
I also picked up a copy of the latest “Your Hot Body Guide” from Women’s Health. It’s basically a book full of strength training exercises and information on proper nutrition etc. I’ve wanted to get in to strength training more, so hopefully this gives me some good tips.
One more piece of VERY exciting news:
Remember Project Eliminate Needless Debt? It’s going slightly slower than anticipated, and we’re okay with that … but I am pleased to announce that today I paid off credit card # 1 in FULL!!! Whooohoooo!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Alright, off to catch up on the blogs!