Hello Winter

We’ve had some pretty mild temps lately and when I heard that we were supposed to be getting a bit of snow last night I was not too impressed.  Then, I was really not impressed when I actually looked outside this morning and this is what I saw.

Lucky for us bossman had already plowed our driveway and all hubby had to do was shovel out the walk way and cars.  Check out the snow pile!

I stayed inside and listened to all the cancellations/treacherous road conditions while he braved the chilly morning. Half of the city was shut down and I was really worried about his drive in.  At times like this I wonder if living in the country is worth it. 

Turns our hubby didn’t get very far before he turned around and headed right back home.  The roads were just terrible.   I was quite relived to be honest.    My commute (if you can even call it that) is only about 2 minutes so I didn’t get to take a snow day with him.

Needless to say, my run was once again postponed.

I don’t know about you guys, but I am SOOO ready for Spring to arrive!

Supper tonight was a little reminiscent of Hubby’s wonderful Valentine’s meal.  I broiled a couple pieces of beef. Topped with fresh garlic & shallots.

I like my steak on the rare side and this was a tad tough.  Hubby like it though.

Can’t have beef without a yummy glass of red vino.

Side of my sliced fingerlings roasted with garlic & chives. 

Pan seared asparagus.



Various Ramblings…

– I’ve joined the likes of everyone else in blogland and started a FormSpring.me account. Head on over and ASK ME ANYTHINGAnonymouslyI promise to answer all questions!

Jenny is having a great giveaway – coupons for a free Smoothie at Booster Juice!  Head on over to her blog to enter!

– I have a long weekend coming up, as Friday we have a funeral to attend.  I’m looking forward to have a couple days off, even if it is for a sad reason.

– Please keep the suggestions for my Cross Border Food Exchange coming!!


Video: Rick Scott, Head Coach of Dal Tigers Volleyball