Help For Families Dealing With Autism

The Provincial Autism Centre was founded in October of 2002. In this video Edward chats to Jen MacKay, Office Manager of the Centre. Jen explains the work the centre does.

The Provincial Autism Centre was the vision of Joan and Jack Craig, parents of an adult son with autism. It is is a non-profit association located in Halifax, Nova Scotia. A professionally run Resource Centre, helping parents and professionals across the province access quality information about autism spectrum disorders (autism). Providing respectful, understanding and confidential services to individuals and families as needed. What is Autism?
Autism is a complex neurological disorder that affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with other people, and with their environment. This page will give you a broad definition of autism, including the major impairments of the disorder and how they can impact upon an individual with autism. It will also give you basic information about the incidence of autism, therapy and ideas about possible causes. For more information please follow this link

First Night Of Atlantic Fashion Week

1862 – 2009. The Halifax Club Still Going Strong.