Help Wanted

Help Wanted. I am asking my readers to help me out. As I look to the future of Common Cents Mom I want your input, your honest to God, opinions. Be brutal, be honest. How can I improve? How can I make this blog better? What would you love to be reading here? Why am I asking? Because I want to give you my readers a place you love to come, to read, to have a conversation. So can you help me out? Leave me a comment and let me know, how can I help you my reader? Category: Opinion / Tags: blogging, survey ...

Help Wanted.

I am asking my readers to help me out.

As I look to the future of Common Cents Mom I want your input, your honest to God, opinions.

Be brutal, be honest.

How can I improve?

How can I make this blog better?

What would you love to be reading here?

Why am I asking? Because I want to give you my readers a place you love to come, to read, to have a conversation.

So can you help me out? Leave me a comment and let me know, how can I help you my reader?


it’s coming…new year’s resolutions – your fittest year yet!

it’s coming…new year’s resolutions – your fittest year yet!

Surviving Your First Christmas: Tips On How To Merge Family Traditions