Here comes the sun…for five minutes.

Ally: If you don’t live in Halifax, and you read our blog, you must want to punch us in the face to get us to shut the eff up about the weather. I hear you, I do, and normally I don’t complain about the weather. This, however, is ridiculous. Today the sun came out for all of 20 minutes and I swear I was about to start running around naked in the streets. Mostly to show off my new spray tan!

Yes, that’s right! I got a spray tan! Two of my good friends got married this weekend and I was honoured to stand in the wedding. As I was wearing a strapless and rather indecently short dress (for a Catholic wedding) I figured the good Lord would at least appreciate a little golden bronze action. So, I asked my Facebook friends if they had ever had the spray tan experience. When more than one came back suggesting I head to Mudwraps to Manicures for an airbrush treatment I picked up the phone and booked an appointment.

Basically, the airbrush tan is like this:

The results were fantastic. The first day, you can’t shower for eight hours. As I exfoilated and showered first thing in the morning for my 9am appointment it wasn’t that big a deal. I did feel a bit sticky, and El Jeffe noted I looked a tad “dirty faced”, but it was all good. The next day the tan was perfect. Not too dark. Not too orange. Just right. Here’s a shot of the spray tan in action. Really! In Action! Playing football before the bridal party photos:

I brag about playing football in my stilletos, but the truth is that my Marc Fisher shoes came off before the dinner started. I traded them in for my new Fit Flops! They might be the new Crocs, but I dig them. And they are bedazzled in silver.


Judge if you must, but these babies enabled me to do the ass drop and running man for a solid hour on the dance floor.

L-A: I’m still unsure of the fitflop, but I’ll support anything that allows Ally to do an ass drop on the dance floor with ease.

Since we’re talking weddings, I just have to mention some of the crazy I watched on TLC last night:

I. Don’t. Even.


Here’s the wedding of 16 year old Josie. She said the slit was classy, but I’m not sure that counts as either slit or classy.

Despite saying, “the more bleed, the better the dress”, the kid seemed happy.

Crazier still: communion dresses!

The dress weighed twice as much as she did. And her brother looked like a mini-third world dictator.

And I’m not even talking about the battery powered light up dress that came with it’s own fire extinguisher.

There was also some serious spray tanning on this show. Apparently six is a good age to start. (Ally’s tan looked much nicer and more natural).

In short: crazy and amazing. Cramazing.

and p.s. there was sun yesterday and I didn’t even know what to do with it. I didn’t know how to dress and I felt like that little Mogwai creature when I walked outside – bright light! bright light!  I was able to go running without my jacket. Insane! (normal for other parts of the world. not for a place that’s had rain/grey for about 40 days straight. Although, I suppose, compared to tornados, earthquakes, flooding, towns on fire, and tsunamis, we’ve had it pretty good).

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Meditate Destroy: Dharma Punx

eye see you