
How I Met Your Mother – Legendary, Lonely Nights

How I Met Your Mother – Legendary, Lonely Nights I missed reviewing How I Met Your Mother last week, but it was a good episode. So far I really like the dynamic between Barney and Quinn, and I hope it’s a relationship that lasts. I know a lot of people still want him to end up with Robin, and I used to feel that way too. But I feel like the writers have lagged too much on that now, and both the characters and the viewers have moved on.

Last week’s episode, “Trilogy Time”, was sort of a ray of hope for HIMYM viewers who’ve been wanting Ted to meet The Mother because we learned that three years from now, not only will Ted be married but he’ll have a baby. OK, so three years is a long time. But he needs time for at least a short courtship, a wedding, and a pregnancy. So at least now we can feel like good things are on the horizon for Ted.

“Now We’re Even”

There was a lot going on in “Now We’re Even” – a lot of good. I knew Barney’s constant bragging about how his girlfriend is a stripper would just be a cover for the fact that Quinn’s profession actually really bothers him. Indeed, the reason he kept trying to frag Ted out for “legendary” nights out on the town rather than just hanging out at home was because being home along between 9pm and 4am every night was driving him crazy. It was kind of sad.

We saw a return of Ted in the green dress from last season’s episode “The Mermaid Theory” – it was a dare from Barney, basically executed to settle the life score between them. But really, it was Ted being a good friend and helping his buddy take his mind off a difficult thing.


Meanwhile, Marshall became suspicious when Lily had a sex dream and didn’t tell him who she’d dreamed about. She always told him, so it had to be someone they knew. I think we were all expecting it to be one of the gang, but instead we were given a surprise – Lily dreamed about Ranjit! She turned “vermillion” red when he showed up to chauffeur them to a fancy dinner.

This storyline was pretty lame – Marshall and Lily got into a fight about it in the car, so he ate with Ranjit and she went to the strip club to get advice from Quinn. The answer? Pregnant ladies be crazy, and men with wives who are expecting be crazy. Luckily, all storylines came to a halt so one could continue.

Helicopter Hero

Robin was promoted at World Wide News, so now her face is everywhere. Yet, even with a poster of her face in the lobby the security guard wouldn’t let her in without her ID badge. Until…

Robin was up in the news helicopter when the pilot had a stroke, and she had to land the thing herself. It was fun to watch everyone captivated by the event on TV, rooting for her, and to watch Robin handle it so well. She’s a character that needed a win, and this was a big one.

The moment when Ted texted Robin to say he was glad she was OK, even though they hadn’t been talking, was very nice. I’m pretty sure these two will reconcile by the end of the season. Their best friends are having a baby, that’s bound to bring them together.

I think this seventh season of HIMYM is a lot stronger than last season, and I like the direction the show seems to be going in as it nears the season finale. We only have three episodes left and there’s a lot to happy – Marshall and Lily will have their baby and we’ll get an all-important flash forward to Barney’s wedding day so we can finally know who he’ll marry.

What do you guys think? Did you like “Now We’re Even”? Are you happy with how this season has shaped up?

Favorite quotes and moments:

  • I loved all the title cards for Barney and Ted’s legendary nights out, and the running gag that the titles kept getting longer but would stay on the screen a shorter time.
  • I could totally relate to the living alone stuff. I love living alone.
  • Barney: “Okay, you’ve caught me Vermillion-handed. The truth is, I’ve spent the last five years trying to Inception your wife.”
    Marshall: “That movie only came out two years ago.”
    Barney: “What movie?”
  • Barney: “I was sitting at home last night and I had a Piphany!”
    Ted: “Actually it’s epiphany.”
    Barney: “No Ted, this is THE piphany.”
  • Oh Robin’s dad. Nothing will ever be good enough!


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