Hi. My name is Laura and I’m a television addict.
I love television, but we don’t have cable.
You see, times are a-changing. People like me want to watch shows when we want, where we want, and arguably with fewer commercials (though, I have noticed that with my online viewing habits, and the tendency to include ads on online video, I don’t actually mind them so much).
And also, people like me don’t have money to waste on frivolous things like fibre cable (and cell phones… but that’s neither here nor there). You see, television is a luxury. It isn’t a necessity. And when the time comes to cut costs, cable has always been the first to go in our household.
So, how do we do it? How do I, and my addiction, survive in a house without cable?
Elementary, dear Watson. Netflix. (And a few other fancy internet tricks to watch current seasons).
I confess that I was the last to jump on the Netflix bandwagon in my house. I really like to stay up to date with current seasons and do not really enjoy watching movies. But I really like watching my television on my iPad, and with new restrictions on cable television apps (What do you mean I have to have cable television to watch this show online? ISN’T THAT THE POINT OF WATCHING SHOWS ONLINE?), Netflix has become my go-to television source. You see, I’m not a sit-down-and-watch kind of girl. Ain’t no one got time for that! Netflix + tablet = watching on the move and that is just what this busy Mom needs!
Netflix with my kids is even easier. I am happy to report that they don’t watch as much television as they used to, but let’s be honest. I’m a Canadian Mom in what feels like the longest winter EVER! We have needed to distract them from time to time with mindless educational programming so that their Dad and I can go to the bedroom and lock the door and make the bed, or clean the room, or do whatever we do behind those doors. (What?)
So what have my kids been watching in our cable wasteland during the last 10 months of winter?
My Family’s Top 8 Favourite Netflix Shows (for toddlers and preschoolers)
- Dinosaur Train – Seriously, whoever put dinosaurs and trains together in a show was a GENIUS!
- Bubble Guppies – Just wait until your one year old starts saying “Bubble Guppies”, or, in our case “Double Duppies”.
- Thomas & Friends – Classic. Cameron swears he doesn’t like this show but can’t turn away when it is on. Gavin insists on watching it by saying “Choo! Choo!”
- Pokémon – This is Cameron’s top choice, especially since he got Charmander from his friend Simeon for his birthday.
- Transformers: Rescue Bots – Okay. I admit to knowing next to nothing about this show.
- Team Umizoomi – Always a favourite, assuming I can convince my kids to watch it over Pokémon and Rescue Bots. But, I totally credit Team Umizoomi with encouraging Cameron’s love of math.
- The Magic School Bus – Because sometimes Mommy just needs to rock out to that opening sequence.
- Turbo – Okay, I admit we haven’t actually watched this yet. But, this title is next on our family movie viewing list because it is totally the type of movie my kids would love and it was just released on Netflix on March 12.
I am a member of Netflix’s Stream Team and as such I have been compensated with complementary Netflix and a few other perks. The stories and opinions are all my own and have not been bought.
The post How I Survived this Long Winter without Cable appeared first on Mommy Miracles.