
How Often Should You Inspect Your Roof With A Professional Company? 

The roof is one of the most critical components of any building and plays a crucial role in protecting the property from the elements. As such, regular roof inspections are essential to ensure that it is in good condition and can function effectively. But how often should you have a roof inspection with a professional company?

  • Age of your roof 

Experts from DiamondCut Roofing of Calgary state that one of the main factors determining the frequency of roof inspections is the roof’s age. A new roof, for example, will require less frequent checks than an older one nearing the end of its useful life. Generally, a new roof should be inspected once a year for the first few years to ensure it performs as expected. After that, you can decrease the frequency of inspections to every two or three years, depending on the roof’s condition.

  • Materials used in roofing 

Another factor to consider is the type of roofing material used. Different materials have different lifespans and require different levels of maintenance. For example, asphalt shingles are among the most popular roofing materials and can last up to 20 years with proper care. They should be inspected once a year to identify any signs of wear and tear, such as cracked or missing shingles, leaks, or debris accumulation. On the other hand, metal roofs can last up to 50 years or more and require less maintenance than asphalt shingles. You can inspect them once every two or three years to ensure they are in good condition.

  • The climate and weather in the region 

The weather conditions in your area also play a significant role in determining the frequency of roof inspections. If you live in an area that experiences harsh weather conditions, such as high winds, heavy rain, or snow, you may need to inspect your roof more frequently. Extreme weather events can cause significant damage to your roof, and regular inspections can help you identify any damage early on and prevent it from becoming a more substantial problem.

  • The slope of your roof 

The slope of your roof is another critical consideration. A steeply sloped roof can be more challenging to inspect than a flat or low-sloped one. If you have a steeply sloped roof, you may need to have it checked more frequently to ensure that all areas are adequately examined. Generally, a flat or low-sloped roof can be inspected once a year, while a steeply sloped roof may require inspection every six months.

Finally, the purpose of your building also plays a role in determining the frequency of roof inspections. If your building is commercial or rental, you may need to have your roof inspected more frequently to comply with building codes and insurance requirements. Additionally, suppose your building is located in an area prone to severe weather conditions. In that case, you may need to inspect it more frequently to ensure it is adequately protected.

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