
How Sound Recognition and Break Detection Systems Protect Your Home


One of the most important factors of living comfortably is being assured of your safety, and one of the best ways to get that kind of peace of mind is through a reliable home security system. According to the Electronic Security Association, homes without any kind of alarm system are three times more likely to be burglarized than homes with such system in place.

Setting up adequate security for your home is a necessary step for protecting yourself, your family, and your home. Whether you are at home with your kids at night, off at work during the day, or away on holiday, you should be confident that no unwanted visitors are gaining access to your home. Setting up various security components will help you guarantee just that.

There were over 21,000 cases of breaking and entering in British Columbia in 2021, and many of those incidents could have likely been stopped if more houses had been equipped with proper security systems. Smart technology has allowed security systems to become more advanced than ever before, making it possible to keep your house even safer and allowing you to monitor it at all times.

Smart locks, smart video cameras, smart doorbells, smart lighting, and smart motion detectors are all highly advanced devices that will make a huge difference in the safety of your home. Many smart security devices come with sound recognition and break detection software, which are both features that every house in British Columbia should have.

Understanding Sound Recognition

As artificial intelligence (AI) grows more advanced, its capabilities are ever-expanding, and one of those capabilities being used increasingly these days is sound recognition. Sound recognition refers to AI software that can detect and recognize audio beyond speech and music, essentially providing electronic devices with a sense of hearing much like your own! In fact, the sound sensor function in sound recognition devices even mimics the way that human ears detect sounds.

Sound recognition makes it possible for the system to detect key sounds, such as a knock at the door, and notify you when those sounds are heard. Like most AI, such sound recognition systems learn by being exposed to realistic real-world data, which includes millions of different sounds that they train themselves to discern between. As you might imagine, such technology can be incredibly useful when it comes to security.

Whether you want to be notified about the sound of glass breaking or a smoke detector going off, having sound recognition in your home can make it much easier to know about a situation that warrants your attention the instant that it occurs. For this reason, an increasing amount of home security systems are integrating this useful feature.

Understanding Break Detection

There are many different types of popular home security sensor systems in British Columbia, including door or window sensors, which are programmed to set off an alarm when the system is armed, and someone opens a door or window in your home. Such sensors are good to have; however, they come with certain limitations.

For instance, if someone smashes a window to enter your home rather than forcing it open, most of these sensors would fail to alert you of the break-in. Therefore, to complement your door and window sensors, it is also necessary to have glass-break detectors, which will monitor both sound and vibration to determine when a window has been shattered.

When they detect the frequency or shock waves that are associated with breaking glass, they sound an alarm and notify you of the incident. Unlike other motion detection systems, which must be armed and disarmed every time you leave your house and return, break detection systems can remain armed constantly.

How Smart Home Security Systems Detect False Alarms

Getting a notification indicating that your home security system has been triggered is likely to send you into a state of immediate panic and worry, as it typically means your home’s security has been breached. Therefore, if you are going to go through such an ordeal, you want to ensure that it is real.

With any kind of security alarm system, though, there are a number of potential causes for false alarms. Whether this is due to system malfunctions, installation errors, low battery power, loose doors, and windows, or pets and insects, it can be incredibly frustrating (and stressful) to experience.

However, when you install a smart home security system that employs sound detection or break detection, the chances of such a false alarm happening decrease significantly. Since the technology is designed to only go off when it is triggered in very specific ways, such as detecting the distinct sound or vibration of breaking glass, anything else will fail to trigger these systems.

Of course, there may be a rare instance when glass is accidentally broken in your home, which may trigger the alarm and notify you. Still, it’s good to know about such cases so that you can respond accordingly.

How Smart Alarm Systems Can Reduce Crime

In 2020, there were over 100,000 cases of theft in the province of British Columbia. Since your home is your sanctuary, you likely have all of your most valued possessions stored there, including jewelry, devices, and even family heirlooms. Therefore, the thought of an intruder breaking in and stealing any of these things is terrifying to think about.

Fortunately, thanks to smart home alarm system services in British Columbia, it is not something that you will need to worry too much about. Having a system that uses sound detection and breaks detection will improve the effectiveness of your home security. If you make it known that your house is equipped with such a system, it will also discourage people from attempting to break into your home in the first place.

This can be done via window stickers or signs. That is because even burglars know how effective smart home security systems can be, and they know that they have very little chance of getting away with committing a crime at a house with such a system in place.

Why Smart Home Security Systems Are Better Than Others

When it comes to the security of your home, having any old system in place is not enough to ensure adequate protection. However, deciding to go with a smart home security system will provide you with many advantages that you cannot get from a standard system.

One of the best features of a smart home security system is sound recognition, which can specifically identify sounds associated with security threats with extreme sensitivity and notify you immediately.

Another major benefit is break detection, which will similarly notify you if a window is ever shattered on your property, indicating a potential break-in. With such features at your disposal, the safety of your home will dramatically increase.

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