
How Tech Developments Have Increased Demand for the Gaming Market

The world has been enjoying video game entertainment for years. The market for adults gaming is huge. Its popularity is easy to explain when you consider just how much these games have evolved over the years. Beginning from those very early computer games and first versions of Atari and Nintendo, they really have come a long way. The days of limited sounds and pixelated screens are just a memory now, as voice games are more lifelike than ever before.

There are a number of other gaming markets that have been influenced by technology, such as   online markets like role-playing and casino slots. Many slots, certainly those from the best online casino in Canada, have come a long way in terms of technology. Those are just two examples in a constantly growing industry, in which technology is the main driving force. But what role exactly does technology play exactly?

Tech Companies Looking for their Slice of the Pie

Perhaps predictably, such non-traditional gaming companies, like Google, Apple, and Facebook, are entering the market. The industry is looking how to make streaming games seem as natural as streaming a movie or a song on platforms like Netflix and Spotify. Then there’s Microsoft, which has long enjoyed a share of the gaming industry’s success through the popular Xbox console.

It’s a Virtual World

Virtual reality is another influential factor in technology’s impact on gaming with global VR market expected to reach $72.8 billion till 2024. One successful example is Oculus VR, which is working on making improvements to their VR headsets. Facebook acquired the company for $2 billion in 2014. Their latest offering is the Oculus Quest 2. Then there’s Apple, which will release their “mixed reality” headset in the spring of 2022.

When it comes to immersion, video games are already ahead of other forms of entertainment, and VR will only add to that. Further experimentation will take place, such as with touch screens, adding voice controls, and game mechanic gestures.

One thing we need to be careful about when it comes to VR is not avoiding our responsibilities in the real world, such as health and wellness, and socialising with our friends. As long as we remember those things, the sky’s the limit when it comes to enjoying what VR has to offer.

Beyond VR

Imagine you’re playing a game where you can create new realms and add features as you’re playing. That world offers no limits to imagination and allows an infinite number of players to enjoy the exact same world. That’s immersive gaming on steroids.

The tech giants already mentioned are using their cloud computing technology to power game-streaming, meaning consumers are no longer forced to invest in costly consoles that have been an anchor of the gaming industry for years. They’re also either acquiring gaming studios or establishing their own in order to create their own games arsenal to attract players.

Much of the attention given by the likes of Facebook is about not losing their grip on the social media market. After all, streaming platforms like Twitch and games such as Fortnite are holding the attention of users for far longer than the likes of Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.

Wrap Up

From Senet, the very first board game found in 3100 BC Egypt, to gesture control, factual recognition, and virtual gaming, technology has clearly been the driving force behind the evolution of gaming. And it’s clearly taken huge strides.

The fact is that the video game market has always revolved around innovation. So new technology, new experiences, and new controls continue to be expected. As people spend an increasing amount of time on their mobile devices, mobile gaming and streaming services will become increasingly important sources of revenue, and big tech will look to take advantage of their existing framework in order to get involved.

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