
How to Find a Personal Injury Lawyer in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Nova Scotians are unfortunately no strangers to accidents, with the province’s icy and wet winter weather being a notoriously common cause for slip and fall injuries. No matter the cause of your injury however, trying to seek compensation for it isn’t always easy. There are multiple challenges, including knowing how to present your claim, how to gather the right evidence, and of course, how to deal with insurance companies and potentially court appearances.

But by partnering with a personal injury lawyer in Nova Scotia, you can get the professional advice you need to help you through your claim. So, what makes a good personal injury lawyer and how do you find one? Here are 5 things to keep in mind when choosing a personal injury lawyer.

1.   Consider The Lawyer’s Cliente & Reviews

Like many of our other maritime cousins, cities and towns across Nova Scotia are known for being welcoming and tight-knit communities. Many of us are willing to share our opinions and help others, including when it comes to finding a personal injury lawyer.

With that in mind, consider finding a personal injury lawyer that collects positive feedback from locals in the area. If their website or online profile includes references to clients, do read them with a close eye. Clients and case studies often highlight some of a lawyer’s best qualities and will also give you some insight into what injuries they have successfully won compensation for.

You might also want to ask around with friends and family to see if they can vouch for a skilled lawyer in your area.

2.   Examine Their Credentials & Experience

When working with a personal injury lawyer, it’s important that they have a firm grasp and understanding of municipal, provincial and federal regulations. Personal injuries can become heavily complex cases and therefore really do require extensive experience and knowledge. Try to search for a personal injury lawyer that has a proven track record and official credentials.

Many lawyers make a habit of showcasing their wins and successes on their website. You might also want to do some research on the individual lawyers, especially if they belong to a larger law firm. Taking the time to find the right support you need is a very important step, as personal injury cases may be subject to limitations or time restrictions that could expire if your lawyer is unable to help you.

Personal injury claims vary significantly and a good personal injury lawyer should be experienced in all stages of a claims process, such as litigation. Ask yourself, have they managed to successfully fight for their client in court? Have they managed to secure a client a quick resolution against an insurance company? Finding answers to these questions will be extremely valuable to your case.

Remember, if you misstep and choose the wrong lawyer for your needs, you could lose out significantly and put your recovery at risk.

3.   Book a Consultation

Every exceptional personal injury lawyer comes with a strategy specific to your situation. They will take the time to offer you a consultation and get to thoroughly understand your case. During this consultation, you will be asked to explain your injury and how it happened. You will also be asked about the location of the incident, any witnesses and if you have any evidence.

Try to provide as much information as possible. Prepare a list of questions about your case and the lawyer’s approach to this case. Many lawyers operate on a free initial consultation, this is an excellent opportunity to make the most of legal advice.

4.   Consider Their Additional Offerings

Personal injury lawyers are in high demand but are also highly competitive. This means there are plenty of options that you can choose from. When it comes to finding the right personal injury lawyer for your claim, try to consider additional advantages and experience they might bring.

For example, a personal injury lawyer in Halifax might have a doctor on their team who is able to provide expert medical advice on the extent of your injuries. Additional resources like this can make a big difference in giving you and your lawyer a successful case.

Some lawyers might also offer special experience dealing with specific cases. For example, a personal injury might offer a tailored service to injuries such as:

  • Car Accidents (inc. whiplash)
  • Assault
  • Workplace Accidents
  • Motorbike Accidents
  • Slip & Falls
  • Brain Injuries
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Long-Term Disability
  • Product Liability

5.   Remuneration

Last but not least, it’s important to remember that legal experience and services can be expensive to obtain. However, finances should not stop you from finding a personal injury lawyer that will get you the result you deserve. In fact, many lawyers are aware of this and will offer incentives to make it easier on your finances. Some might operate on a no-win, no-fee basis while others offer flexible payment plans or even accept legal aid certificates.

Which option you choose to take, do make sure the payment method and plan is clear to you when working with a personal injury lawyer. This can help avoid unnecessary stress or confusion after your case is resolved.

Finding a personal injury lawyer after an accident can be quite intimidating. However, by doing enough research and taking the time to understand your personal injury lawyers skillset and offerings, you can be reassured that you are being best represented when making your claim.

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