
how to: make your own croutons

Monday, January 16th, 2012

My boys love croutons as a snack. I usually pack a little bag of them to take along in the car for when we’re in between meals or when I need to buy 10 minutes of uninterrupted time while running errands  🙂

how to: make your own croutons

And since I always seem to have extra bread that’s about a day away from being stale, this is a fantastic solution for using it up.

All you need? Butter and any bread you have hanging around that you want to use up. I used white panini buns that were left over in my pantry. (okay and yes, so we get a little crazy and grab the white bread sometimes!)

Slice your bread into about 1″ cubes. Then, in a pan, melt 2-4 tablespoons of butter and add your bread.

Stir around the pan for about 5 minutes until they’ve soaked up all the butter.

Transfer to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and pop in a 350 degrees oven for 8ish minutes or until they’re nice and golden.

Let cool and transfer to an airtight container or ziploc.

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