
how to: make your own silly putty with 3 ingredients


how to: make your own silly putty with 3 ingredients

I loved playing with silly putty when I was little…favorite thing ever. Was right up there with neon leggings, pompom socks and snap bracelets.  I’m not sure if you can still buy this in stores anymore so the alternative? Whip up your own!  There’s a couple different ways to make it, one being with liquid starch (didn’t have on hand) or the other way with borax (which I had) so we’ll just go with that recipe! It’s ridiculously easy and there’s a lot of give to the recipe. I’m positive that you can’t mess it up.

You’ll need:

For a small batch follow the recipe below (it’s halved). For a larger batch double it up!

– 1/2  bottle of school glue (about 4oz)

– 1/2 bottle of water

– 1/2 tsp borax mixed into about 1/4 cup of water

– food coloring (optional)

What you do:


Pour your glue into mixing bowl. Fill the empty glue bottle to about 1/2 full with water. Add to bowl. Mix it up. At this point you can add a few drops of food coloring. I forgot and did it later.

Slowly add the borax/water mixture while stirring. It’ll start to look really gross and slimy.

Keep mixing with your fork. (I added food coloring at this point).

To make it easier, transfer this mix to a baggie so you can mix squish and mix it well using your hands without dying them blue. Once it’s mixed, you may need to dry off the excess water with a paper towel if you don’t want it super slimy. Or just give it to your kids to play with and it’ll slowly dry/firm up a bit, like this:

It’s very soft, squishy and somewhat rubbery. Keep in mind the more you play with it and expose it to air, the more rubbery it’ll get. You’ll even be able to roll it into a ball and bounce it or pull it apart and make it snap! Grab some cookie cutters and have fun!

Original recipe found here.


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