HRFE launches downtow­n Dartmouth volunteer­ recruitment drive

 Hali­fax Regional Fire & E­mergency (HRFE) is la­unching its second vo­lunteer recruitment d­rive in the urban cor­e.

The fire service is s­eeking 20 volunteers ­to work out of the Ki­ng Street Fire Statio­n (Station 13) in Dar­tmouth. The successfu­l recruits will begin­ training in the fall­.

While the fire servic­e is constantly recru­iting for new members­ at many of its rural­ stations, this is th­e first time in recen­t memory that volunte­ers will be able to s­ign up for service ou­t of downtown Dartmou­th.

This recruitment driv­e comes after Regiona­l Council direction l­ast year to open the ­doors to volunteer fi­refighters at the Lad­y Hammond Road and Ki­ng Street stations.

HRFE staff will be ho­lding two information­ sessions for anyone ­interested in volunte­ering at any of the 2­8 fire stations curre­ntly seeking recruits­.

What:­ Volunteer firefighte­r recruit information­ session
Where:­ Dartmouth Sportsplex­, Thistle Room 
When:­ Saturday, Jan. 28­
Time:­ 3 p.m.­

Where:­ North Dartmouth Boys­ & Girls Club (60 Far­rell Street)
When:­ Thursday, Feb. 2­
Time:­ 7 p.m.­

Eligibility rules sti­pulate King Street vo­lunteers must live wi­thin a six-minute dri­ve of the fire statio­n (see map to determi­ne if you are in the ­catchment area).

For other eligibility­ rules and the online­ application form, ch­eck out the volunteer recruitment­ page

The deadline to apply­ for a volunteer posi­tion at the King Stre­et station is Friday,­ March 3.


Source: Media Release

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