
HRM update on the damage caused to the Public Gardens in 2022

The Halifax Regional Municipality is providing the following update on the property damage that occurred at the Halifax Public Gardens in July 2022.

On Tuesday, July 26, 2022, Halifax Regional Police responded to a report of damage to multiple trees within the Gardens. Approximately 33 trees, many of which range from 50 to 200 years old, were damaged.

Four trees were initially deemed unsalvageable and were removed by municipal staff. For the remaining 29 trees, municipal staff used coconut fibres to protect the wounds and attempted bridge-grafting on the trees with the goal to encourage the growth of healthy bark over the wounded areas.

This past spring, all the damaged trees leafed out as expected – with the exception of one small tree that was subsequently removed by municipal staff. Bridge-grafting efforts are ongoing, and many of the trees are showing positive responses in the form of callousing. However, it may take several years of continued tree growth to see the full extent of the damage.

The Gardens were founded by the Nova Scotia Horticultural Society in 1836, and were recognized as a National Historic Site in 1984. The Gardens are also part of Canada’s Garden Route.

For more information on the Halifax Public Gardens, please visit our website.

Source: Release

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