
HRM storm operations information update: 8pm Feb 4

Halifax Transit

All Halifax Transit bus, Access-A-Bus and ferry service will be suspended as of 9 p.m. tonight for the remainder of the evening.

A decision regarding service for Monday, February 5, will be made early in the morning.

For the latest updates on transit service, visit our website and follow @hfxtransit on X.

Clean up efforts

Prolonged snow events present challenging conditions for crews. During snow events with over 30 centimetres of accumulation, our crews require additional time to clear snow. Crews will continue to work around the clock until the snow has been cleared from municipal streets, sidewalks and bike lanes.

Crews are focused on clearing Priority 1 routes, which include main arterials, emergency routes and Halifax Transit routes. Crews will also continue to clear Priority 2 routes, which include residential streets and gravel roads.

Residents are asked to avoid unnecessary travel for their own safety due to poor driving conditions and to allow crews to continue snow clearing operations safely. Residents are reminded that in the event of an emergency to call 911. Snow clearing crews ensure access for emergency responders.


The overnight winter parking ban will continue to be enforced (in both Zone 1 – Central and Zone 2 – Non-Central) on Monday, February 5, from 1 to 6 a.m. 

Residents are reminded that regardless of the status of an overnight winter parking ban, or whether you have received a notification, vehicles can be towed, day or night, at any time of year, if they are interfering with snow-clearing operations, as per Section 139 of the Nova Scotia Motor Vehicle Act.

Residents are strongly encouraged to continue to park off-street to allow crews to clear snow as efficiently as possible.

Support for those experiencing homelessness

The Province of Nova Scotia is providing additional emergency supports for those experiencing homelessness within the temporary emergency shelters located at the Multi-Purpose Centre of the Halifax Forum (6210 Young Street) and Beacon House (125 Metropolitan Avenue) in Lower Sackville.

Capacity at all shelters will be reassessed over the weekend.

The Halifax Ground Search and Rescue (GSAR) team is conducting wellness checks over the weekend to assess the safety of anyone who chooses not to leave an outdoor sheltering location. GSAR is also offering transportation for those sleeping rough to emergency shelters during this weather event.  

Residents are reminded that in the event of an emergency to call 911. Snow clearing crews ensure access for emergency responders

For more information and the latest service updates, visit  

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