HRM storm services update (Feb 24, 10am)

The Halifax Regional Municipality is providing the following updates on municipal service impacts.

Residents asked to avoid unnecessary travel

Due to the risk of flooding and freezing, residents are urged to monitor road conditions and avoid unnecessary travel throughout the region.

Halifax Transit

Residents are reminded that all Halifax Transit services will be suspended beginning at 1 p.m. This includes bus, ferry and Access-A-Bus services.

Any trips starting before 1 p.m. will compete their trip, and service will remain suspended for the remainder of the day.

For the latest updates on Halifax Transit service, follow @hfxtransit on X and visit our website.

Parks & Recreation

The Halifax Public Gardens will be closed on Saturday, Feb. 24.

Most municipal recreation facilities will be closing at 12 p.m. for the remainder of the day. Facilities will re-open at regularly scheduled times on Sunday, Feb. 25.

For the most up-to-date information, follow @hfxrec on X or call your local recreation centre.

Support for those experiencing homelessness

Halifax Ground Search and Rescue (GSAR) teams is conducting wellness checks over the weekend to assess the safety of anyone who chooses not to leave an outdoor sheltering location. GSAR is also offering transportation for those sleeping rough to emergency shelters during this weather event.

Halifax Public Libraries

All branches and departments of Halifax Public Libraries will be closing at 12 p.m. for the remainder of the day. For the latest information on the status of all Halifax Public Library locations and services, please visit their website.

For more information and the latest service updates, visit


5am weather warning update (Feb 24 2024)

Storm cancellations