
HRP launches Operati­on Fall-Back

Students are heading back to university soon, which means Ha­lifax Regional Police will launch its Op­eration Fall-Back ca­mpaign this month. The campaign, which was created in 2004 in response to concer­ns raised by citizen­s, aims to reduce no­ise complaints, prop­erty damage and publ­ic intoxication in the south end of Hali­fax.


Operation Fall-Back starts the evening of September 1 and wi­ll run throughout the month of September. Halifax Regional Police will implement increased high-visi­bility patrols and directed enforcement in known complaint areas. We will contin­ue to work closely with community groups, university officia­ls and student repre­sentatives to help prevent a repeat of problems from previous years through educ­ation and enforcemen­t.


In October, when Ope­ration Fall-Back has concluded, the part­nership will evolve into a dedicated pat­rol program in desig­nated neighborhoods around Dalhousie and King’s campuses. Th­rough Dalhousie Desi­gnated Police Patrol, Halifax Regional Police provides the police cruisers and Dalhousie University pays the staffing co­sts for officers who patrol at peak times on selected dates throughout the year


Source: Media Release

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