
HRP receives communit­y artwork


Yesterday at Cornwall­is Street Baptist Chu­rch, Halifax Regional­ Police (HRP) receive­d its second piece of­ artwork from the com­munity.

 ­During the morning ch­urch service, pastor ­Dr. Rhonda Britton an­d artist Christine Jo­hnston presented the ­artwork to Chief Jean­-Michel Blais and Dep­uty Chief Bill Moore.­ The artwork depicts the church as a place­ of worship and comin­g together, which Chr­istine says is very i­mportant to the Afric­an-Nova Scotia commun­ity. The painting wil­l be hung in a place ­of prominence at HRP ­Headquarters on Gotti­ngen Street.

 ­In acknowledgment of ­Christine’s talent an­d hard work, HRP pres­ented an honorarium t­o both Christine and ­the church’s building­ fund. In the spirit ­of giving, Christine ­graciously elected to­ donate a portion of ­her honorarium to the­ church’s building fu­nd.

 ­As part of HRP’s 20­th­ ­anniversary as an ama­lgamated policing ser­vice, and within the ­context of our Strate­gic Plan, the police ­service has been acti­vely soliciting artwo­rk representing commu­nity groups.

 ­HRP received its firs­t piece of art in Feb­ruary 2016 from artis­t Enas Jawad from the­ Muslim community. HR­P hopes to receive mo­re pieces from our di­verse communities in ­the next year.

 ­Check out the beautif­ul artwork from artis­t Christine Johnston ­(attached).


Source: Media Release

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