
Hug-a-Tree Program via Halifax SAR

**** Halifax SAR Release

Hug-a-Tree Program

Halifax Search & Rescue delivers the Hug-a-Tree program on behalf of AdventureSmart to help lost children survive in the woods, dramatically improving their probability of being found.

Hug-a-Tree presentations are primarily aimed at children aged five to twelve, and use a short video and other demonstrations/games to teach children how not to become lost in the woods and what to do if they become lost. Children learn to tell an adult where they are going, to “hug-a-tree” and stay put if they are lost, how to keep warm and dry in the woods, and to help searchers find them by answering their calls.

HSAR team members deliver the program to educate more than 1000 children annually through visits to elementary schools, as well as Scouting and Girl Guide groups. For more information about Hug-a-Tree visit Contact to register your school or group for a session.

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