
I bet I think this Post is about me

AllyG: So, yah, I’ve been radio silent for awhile. I’ve pretty much been living under my kitchen table with my baby hiding from the evil swine flu that I imagine looks like this:


The good news is that myself and El Jeffe received the H1N1 vaccine yesterday as parents of a baby under six months old. BabyG also had his first shots yesterday (not H1n1 shots, but the kind you get at your two month appt). The entire day was spent wiping away tears (mine, not his) as BabyG made the most heartbreaking whiny sounds and pouty face (not the kind I use in the mirror to make sure my lip gloss is on sexy-like). Anyway, I’m now enjoying a glass of vino before going to bed to prepare for a huge adventure. Yes, folks, AllyG is finally getting her busted hair did. Currently, my hair is a disaster zone. My roots are worse than Heather Locklear’s circa her 2008 mug shot (was it 2008?):

Interestingly enough, my eye makeup also looks like that most days.

I’m thinking of going a daring red. Not tooooo red, like Ashlee Simpson, but a gentle red, like the red Nicole Richie went a couple of years back.

I’m on El Jeffe’s laptop and it’s not allowing me to post pictures, I’ve pasted the ones above…so if we can in trouble from the Computer Police, L-A totally made me do it! Anyway, I just wanted to check in and say hello and let you know I’ll be back on the regular computer tomorrow to update you on the exciting hair adventure and post something halfway relevant for you lot.

Miss you. Love you.

Ally xoxo


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